Thursday, March 21, 2013

The command line is coming back - get ready

Recently I've rediscovered the command line and I'm really enjoying the improved productivity I'm getting.  Also, I'm learning the tools that I work with better because I'm seeing the command directly rather than just picking menu items in Eclipse.

So I'm having more fun but it has also occured to me that now is the right time to start switching back to the command line.  Let me explain.

Why is it named the "command" line?  Because you give it commands.  And how do you "give" commands (at least in non-computer situations).  You say them.

We're now approaching the tipping point for voice recognition.  It is generally excellent and one of the most obvious uses is to replace typing at the command line with voice commands.

It is harder to control a GUI IDE with voice commands but the command line is perfect for this approach.

So if you've been avoiding the use of the command line, or if it has been awhile, now is the time to brush up on those skills.  I've been re-reading Neal Ford's excellent book "The Productive Programmer" which will help you get started.  It is just as relevant now as it was in 2005.

I've also been very pleased with a new shell called zsh.  Try it out.

Any downside?  Developers will be constantly chatting to their computers as they work.  Things could get a little noisy.  Hopefully, this will spell the end of the "open pit" work environment.

Maybe now I can get an office with a door - that actually closes?  And if we can't get offices?  "Cone of Silence" anyone?

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